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Elite Sheep Reproduction accepts PayPal and Credit Cards

Ordering Frozen Semen

Semen orders will be processed in the order they are received. Elite Sheep Reproduction, LLC cannot guarantee availability of product until full payment has been remitted. At that time the order will be processed and the semen will become the property of the Buyer. Elite Sheep Reproduction recommends confirming availability of desired Sire’s semen straws prior to completing and sending in Frozen Semen Order Form and Frozen Semen Contract due to the high demand for the Valais Blacknose semen.



Ordering Embryos

Embryo orders will be processed in the order they are received, Elite Sheep Reproduction, LLC cannot guarantee availability of product until full payment has been remitted. At that time the order will be processed and the embryos will become the property of the Buyer. Elite Sheep reproduction recommends confirming availability of embryos prior to completing and sending in the Embryo order form and Embryo Contract. 

Recipient Ewes

All recipient Ewes are selected through Elite Sheep Reproduction, LLC. All recipient orders require a deposit at time that order is placed and payment in full once the Ewe is confirmed as pregnant. All recipient ewes must be acquired by buyer no later then 75 days once confirmed with lamb unless other arrangements have been set forth in advance per the contract agreement.


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